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Obedience, The Qualifying Ingredient To Experience The Abundant Life

Writer's picture: Brenda Joyce BrownBrenda Joyce Brown

“I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance” (to the full, till

It overflows) John 10:10 Amp

The above scripture is a quote from our Lord, Jesus. What a declaration!

Not only did He come to save us from sin and hell, but He came so that we can experience the abundant life while we are still here. So why are we not all experiencing this abundant life Jesus came to give us? The Bible is full of promises, however there is a qualifier to receive the promises. Let’s just lo0k at one of the most popular promises quoted by Christians today while we have been going through a pandemic with the corona virus. It’s the 91st Psalm. It starts by giving the qualifying ingredient, “HE WHO DWELLS in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty.” The secret place is God’s presence. We dwell in the secret place as we spend time in God’s presence praying and worshiping Him. Yet there are many Christians’ quoting this promise that are not spending time with God. Verse 14 says “BECAUSE HE HAS SET HIS LOVE UPON ME, therefore, I will deliver Him.” We need to ask ourselves what does setting our love upon God look like? Jesus answers this for us, “If you love Me, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS” (John 14:15 NKJV). So there ‘are three qualifiers to benefit from the promise in Psalm 91, 1) spend time with God in His presence, 2) set your love upon God and 3) keep His commandments. Let’s always remember to apply the qualifying action.

Prayer: Father God, help me to pay attention and apply the qualifying action required to experience the benefits from your promises.

In Jesus Name Amen



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